Elevator Talk
Elevator behavior is funny I've decided, specifically "elevator talk". There is something funny about riding in elevators with other people. What do you say? What do you do? What do you think about?
This morning I was running late for work (big surprise....see previous post). I live in the 8th floor of a high rise. Like so many routine mornings, the elevator comes to get me a few minutes before 8 am. I get in and am quickly annoyed when I feel the elevator slowly coming to a halt at the 6th floor. My 6th floor neighbor walks into the elevator. I have seen this neighbor a few times before, but never have we exchanged words other than a "hello" or a "thanks" [for holding the elevator, which few people in my building have the courtesy to do]. As he walks in I say, "hello" which is one more word than most people say to their company on the elevator.
A six floor elevator transit isn't the longest elevator ride I know, but it was long enough to make things awkward. I proceeded (like many people do?) to watch the numbers as the elevators fell......5....4....3.....2......1. There is absolutely nothing intriguing about elevators controllers and yet, I don't think I'm alone in engaging in this activity when there is "elevator company."
What kind of conversation can you possibly have during a 6-story elevator ride? Coworkers talk about the weather outside and parents can yell at their children for pushing all of the buttons, but what can everyone else talk about? (Maybe that's why everyone looks at their shoes or watches the numbers as the elevator climbs or falls. Other people act as if there is nobody else in the elevator but them).
Certainly residents of the same apartment building have something to say to each other, but yet we still rode in silence. Is it normal to ride in silence? Is it abnormal to make conversation with someone? What's even funnier (and more difficult) is knowing that you will never see this person again in your life! That certainly wasn't true this morning (at least I hope not) but when you're coming out of the dentist office or riding to the top of the Sears Tower, you can bet that you won't see those people again in your life. Maybe that's why people don't talk to each other in elevators.....
Next time you're in an elevator with a stranger, pay attention to what you're doing and whatever you do, don't laugh or you will really make things uncomfortable.
This morning I was running late for work (big surprise....see previous post). I live in the 8th floor of a high rise. Like so many routine mornings, the elevator comes to get me a few minutes before 8 am. I get in and am quickly annoyed when I feel the elevator slowly coming to a halt at the 6th floor. My 6th floor neighbor walks into the elevator. I have seen this neighbor a few times before, but never have we exchanged words other than a "hello" or a "thanks" [for holding the elevator, which few people in my building have the courtesy to do]. As he walks in I say, "hello" which is one more word than most people say to their company on the elevator.
A six floor elevator transit isn't the longest elevator ride I know, but it was long enough to make things awkward. I proceeded (like many people do?) to watch the numbers as the elevators fell......5....4....3.....2......1. There is absolutely nothing intriguing about elevators controllers and yet, I don't think I'm alone in engaging in this activity when there is "elevator company."
What kind of conversation can you possibly have during a 6-story elevator ride? Coworkers talk about the weather outside and parents can yell at their children for pushing all of the buttons, but what can everyone else talk about? (Maybe that's why everyone looks at their shoes or watches the numbers as the elevator climbs or falls. Other people act as if there is nobody else in the elevator but them).
Certainly residents of the same apartment building have something to say to each other, but yet we still rode in silence. Is it normal to ride in silence? Is it abnormal to make conversation with someone? What's even funnier (and more difficult) is knowing that you will never see this person again in your life! That certainly wasn't true this morning (at least I hope not) but when you're coming out of the dentist office or riding to the top of the Sears Tower, you can bet that you won't see those people again in your life. Maybe that's why people don't talk to each other in elevators.....
Next time you're in an elevator with a stranger, pay attention to what you're doing and whatever you do, don't laugh or you will really make things uncomfortable.
I have a friend who's major goal in life is to get off the elevator on the 2nd floor, after leaving a rancid gaseous mist, then running down the stairs to the first floor too see the look on people's faces as they get off. I guess you could do that.
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